Sunday, August 2, 2015

Easy Clean Eating: Egg Cups

I've been on a fitness and clean eating kick lately and I've lost 10 lbs! Hooray! Meal prep has been a big key to my success so I wanted to share an easy breakfast recipe for baked egg cups.

These egg cups are so simple to prepare and make a great, healthy on-the-go breakfast. Here my recipe for a dozen breakfast egg cups.

10 eggs
Chopped mini bell peppers (2-3)
2 oz of cheese
pepper to taste

Follow the photos and directions below for a delicious and healthy breakfast!

All you need! Save prep time by buying pre-cut peppers.

I used 10 eggs and 5 yolks. I add on half-egg shell of water for each egg.

Fill you sprayed baking tray with peppers. One spoon in each. 

Add cheese and pepper.

Pour in your egg and water mix. 

Bake at 375 for 20-23 minutes. 

You can add other veggies, meat, or get rid of the cheese. This is a very adaptable and simple breakfast the can be made and refrigerated for the week ahead. Live inspired!

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